Monday, June 12, 2017


The Birds and Häagen Daaz! <3 them! 🍦

**First, a final note from our Syd-Syd**
All Right Momma,

 "The time has come, the Walrus said..." to return home into your arms. 
How grateful I am for the privilege of being able to serve the Lord here in Britain. 
I can't even begin to express the miracle that it has been for my life. It has all come to an end so beautifully and I am so thankful for that. 18 months is the perfect amount of time. I know that it is time to come home and continue my mission there in Idaho. I know that the Lord has a plan, therefore, I cannot fear. I know it will be a difficult adjustment, because I have lived such a consecrated life for the past 18 months, but it will be okay! :)

     I have thought quite often about what Wednesday evening will be like, but I know it will be far greater than all my dreams! I am so excited to see my big sister. I just cry when I think of hugging her!!! Ahh. Life is good momma. My mission has been beautiful and I can't wait to have snuggle time and tell you all about it!! :)

 Thank you for all that you have done and sacrificed so that I could come over here to serve. 
 It means the world to me.
 I love you. 
 I will see you in a matter of days.

Signing off for the last time,   

Your Sister Sydney Jones

Such a windy week! What a welcome back to Idaho.

Dearest family,

      Before I go on about my mission being over, let me give you an update about Coventry. Sister Olsen has been called to be a Sister Training Leader and will be going to Harborne with Sister Sharp! We are getting whitewashed! Sister Romero from Australia will be training here in a weeks time. We are a little worried about being whitewashed, but we know the area is in good hands! We are excited to hear about how the area continues to progress, as all three teams will be training this coming transfer. So fun!

      This week was SO QUICK! What a wonderful way to end our week here in Coventry. We had some beautiful DA's this week which filled my soul and my stomach with joy. We were able to see Ellie, which was beautiful. We are so sad to be leaving her, but we look forward to hearing how she progresses in the gospel. She is so humble and ready!
Last district finding ever! So fun!

I told them all to look sad and this is what it turned out as...I'm
finally dying!

      We had my last district meeting on Thursday and it was wonderful! I was asked to share what I have learned over the past 18 months and it was quite difficult to not make the list forever long! I've learned SO much!
Marcelo! What a wonderful human! The very last person I was meant
to find on my mission..❤️

      We were able to find the most pleasant man ever named Marcelo from Portugal! Right before we stopped him, I just had the strongest feeling that he was the last person that I needed to find here in Coventry. We ended up talking to him for 45 minutes on the side of the road all about Jesus, nature, the different accents in Britain, and our missions. He told us how grateful he was that we stopped him and we were able to leave him with a Book of Mormon! I know he was the last person for me to find here and the Lord saved a pretty good one for the end! :)
Our YSA are so fun and beautiful!! :)

Guyhan from South Korea. Such a sweet member.

      On Sunday, I was able to speak in church at Magnus Tops farewell. He will be going to the Australia Brisbane Mission tomorrow! It was a wonderful experience to relay my mission to the Coventry Ward. 
Saying goodbye to Liv.. So hard.

Cloud watching for the first time on my whole mission!

Sue Williams. Love this woman.

Our beautiful Liv. #besties

Krispy Kreme and sunshine! 🍩

     The Williams came up from Wales to see both of us and we were able to have a picnic at War Memorial Park afterwards. It was great. The members were just flooding me with love, tears, and SO many compliments. I am so thankful to have had the privilege of serving here. What a spectacular ward to send me off. I am so blessed!

       Brothers and Sisters, this is the end. My mission is nearly through and my time to return home has arrived. I am so thankful for the support and prayers that you have given me over the past 18 months.  This has been the most trying experience of my life thus far, but through this process, I have become who the Lord needed me to become.

I feel at peace with my mission and I know that I have done what the Lord has asked of me. 

I came on my mission because I LOVE my Saviour.

I stayed on my mission and served with all my heart and in return, I
have come to KNOW my Saviour. He is the King of Kings. His Atonement is everything. 

The Book of Mormon is filled with truth and life. 

President Thomas S. Monson is led and guided by God. 

We are blessed as children of God to know that He has a plan for us!
     I have absolutely loved my mission and I look forward to continuing this great work back in the good ole USA! I am leaving a piece of my heart here, with the intent of returning someday to roam about these same streets as an older, wiser woman. I pray that the work that I have been able to do will be sufficient for the Lord and that the fruits will continue to come as the years go by.

I will see you all so, so soon!

Signing off for the last time from Britain,

Sister Sydney Jones

Our beautiful Gosia! This girl is SO American.

 The Samayoas and Ridrigo. Holla to the selfie stick!

The beautiful Sola.. It takes everything in me not to hold this
baby girl every time I see her!
Hiyori Bird! She's being baptised this Saturday :)

Georgie girl!

For my little Cooper-bear

Out beautiful Tish. Such a strong woman. She feeds us g.f. pizza
every week! :)

 Finding in town with Amna and Annie. Love them!
 Last fish and chips in Britain! 🍟

Pano of the fish and chips shop 🐟

Traditional fish and chips.
I love this girl.. Leaving Coventry better then we found it. ✈️

Monday, June 5, 2017

So This Is What 18 Months Feels Like

We taught Georgie how to ride a bike! Talk about the scariest,
funniest 40 minutes of my life! Lol, she's a pro now :)
**First, I thought I should add a part of Syd's letter to me and her dad.  This sums up her thoughts and emotions of her entire mission.  And someday will reflect back as she reads this.  I will be collecting her blog into book form, just as I did for her sister Katelyn.  A suitable keepsake, indeed.**

Dear Mum and Dad, 
....Crazy. I have come to love this ward so much and am so thankful for  the opportunity to have served here. So many members came up to me after sacrament and told me to thank my parents for allowing me serve the Lord for these 18 months. So thank you from the Coventry Ward, Mom & Dad! :)  Brother Turner said "We are a better unit because you have served here." I am so grateful for the blessing of these members who have helped us to build up the ward here in Cov. They are so wonderful.
      I have been asked to speak this coming Sunday, which also happens to be the farewell of a kid in our ward who is going to Australia the day after I leave. It should be great! This is the 2nd farewell that I've spoken at and then I've spoken at another's homecoming. Crazy. I've been asked to share what I have learned in the past 18 months in about 7-10 minutes! How the heck do I do that?? Bless. The Lord will provide a way. The Williams are coming down from Wales to enjoy my last Sunday here and I'm hoping that Andrea and Lowri can make it as well.

      I can't fully express how I feel. We have an EXTREMELY busy week coming up, which I am thankful for. Not too much time to think about going home. I am absolutely overwhelmed with the love and support from the members and friends from here and abroad. It is amazing. It is a beautiful experience to serve my Saviour and I have grown and learned so much. Though I have served Him for these 18 months, I am still indebted to my Saviour. I look forward to applying the things that I have learned here to the rest of my life. I know that in my life I only desire to please my Father in Heaven and use His Sons Atonement so that I may return to my Heavenly Home.
 Throughout the past 5 months of my mission, I have been writing articles about my experiences and side notes about the things that I have learned. I have only sent one of them to you and have quite a few reserved to share with you in the coming weeks. I know that the Lord has blessed me with the gift of writing and speaking that I may enlighten others and share the light of Christ through my words. Speaking with boldness, but not overbearance, just as Shiblon did. I love to share my experiences with others and hope to continue doing that when I get home through a blog or other means.

      I'm sorry this email is all over the place, but I'm just trying to pour out all my thoughts and feelings. I look forward greatly to seeing you in just a few days time. Please know that I will be soaking up every last moment this week as a missionary for the Lord. We will be working hard and laughing loads. :)
                                    your Little Sister Missionary :)

 I told Sister Cebollero that when the expiry date on the milk is
the day I leave, I would know that I truly am going home SOON. Guess
what the date was on our milk we bought this morning.. Yikes.

Dearest family,

     What an incredible week!!!! Aahhhhh, being a missionary is honestly the coolest thing ever. We are exhausted, but so happy! Hitting 18 months was a crazy feeling. My feet are blistered, my head hurts most of the time, and I think the bags underneath my eyes are eternally there. BUT, my spirits are high and my motivation has only increased!
     This week gave us a run for our money and I know you want to hear all about it, so here it goes! :)

      On Tuesday we met a 22 year old girl named Jessica from Angola. She is here studying at Cov Uni and was so happy to hear that we help people to understand their purpose here on earth. She really opened up to us about wanting to find direction in her life. We bonded over a few other topics like her being proposed to in Paris this coming weekend, but then we got a return appointment for this week! Woot! We are excited to meet with her again! :)
Just casually walked up on a UK SOFTBALL TEAM! What?! Most people
don't even know what softball is in this country. It totally felt like
we were in America for a few moments.
      On Wednesday we were walking through War Memorial Park and came across a make-shift softball field! What?! People don't even know what baseball is in this country, let alone softball! Sister Olsen played back home, so she was absolutely thrilled to bits! They found out that we were American and kind of treated us like royalty.. Haha. They invited us back to play with them this Wednesday and hopefully share a message with them about Jesus Christ. Woot!
      After we left the softball field, we found two Nigerian dudes ballin on this tiny basketball court. We went and asked them if we could play and we TOTALLY crushed them. You know, back home if you see two black dudes on a court, you wouldn't dare ask them to play because they would kick your butt! Here on the other hand, they want to be good at basketball, but the American blood just doesn't run through their veins ;) Haha. Sister Olsen set me up a few times and they were just in awe at how these two nuns in skirts were beating them at this simple game. Haha Alex and Jeremiah will hopefully be attending church soon, despite them being butt-hurt about the loss that we handed them ;)
Sunshine = Oreo sandwiches ❤️
      We walked out of our flat on Friday to find a man named Nithin and a girl named Ellie. We had seen Ellie one time previously and had a good chat with her, but she said she wasn't interested. She looked at us and was very friendly and excited to see us! Once Nithin understood who we were, he sat down on the wall and poured out his heart to us. He has been going through some super hard trials recently and, as a result, is struggling with understanding his purpose in life. The told him that we know that the Lord has a plan for him and Ellie and that he knows the feelings of our hearts. We set up a time to see them this coming Friday, which will be great!
The BIRDS! We love this family so much!!! All of them are fluent in
Japanese. We are teaching Hiyori (blue dress) to prepare for her
baptism on the 16th! 💛

      On Friday, we also met a lady named Ese from Nigeria. She is 29 and LOVED sports! We were besties from the moment that we met and were bonding over Jesus and sports. We told her what we do and she was thoroughly impressed, especially the fact that we bike in skirts. She is in this country doing her masters and is SO lovely. We look forward to seeing her on Thursday! :)
My cute companion and those big, beautiful blue eyes.

     On Sunday, we walked with Ellie to church and it was wonderful! We really found some common ground that we could build upon. She has a desire to find peace and purpose in her life, but has yet to find it.  She LOVED church and said that she really felt at home there. Our investigator Jeet came as well and our 1st counselor in the bishop just happens to be one of his colleagues at Jaguar! Small world! Such a perfect fellowshipper!! Some potentials named Helen, Eric, and Eli also came to church. They were two hours late, but they did make it! #blessed. 
     When we walked into relief society with Helen, she pointed out her auntie! What?! It was news to us! Dorothy, her auntie, is a less active member who felt the prompting to come to church. Because she came, Helen had a fellowshipper right off the bat. An opportunity to strengthen a member and to baptise another! Miracles everywhere!
Our DL got locked out of their flat and had to come to
district meeting in their basketball shorts. Lol, so funny!

     I had the opportunity to bare my testimony yesterday and when I got up there, I told everyone that this is my last week serving as the
Lord's missionary. Tears filled my eyes and I told them that I haven't actually said that out loud yet. The realization of my 18 month service hit me in my first 3 seconds at the pulpit. Crazy. I have come to love this ward and these people so much and am so thankful for the opportunity to have served here.
UK's actually was not that great TBH, but the but the
bag was cool!
      I look forward to the last week of my mission! What an absolute blessing it will be. We have something planned nearly every single hour for the next 7 days. Wow. Deep Breath! Lots of return appointments and hopefuls for new investigators. We are finding new people and getting them to church (miracle), now we just need to help them to enter the waters of baptism! Lots of work left to do!

     I love this gospel. I love the way that it has enriched my life,
especially over the past 18 months. I know that the words written in
the Book of Mormon relate directly to us in these last days. I am
grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who is ever so patient with me as I struggle to find my way back to him. I am eternally indebted to my Saviour who has blessed me with the opportunity to be clean and free from sin. This mission experience has been so much more than I could've ever imagined and far more than I ever deserve. What a privilege it is to know of the plan that God has for me. 

I know Christ lives! And He loves us so much!

           Have a beautiful week!

                   All my love from Britain,

                                         Sister Sydney Jones

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sunshine, Sari's, and Sunday

The smallest mini coop I've ever seen! 

Good Evening from England! 

      What a terribly hot week here in the UK. Upwards of 26C (78F)! It was BLAZIN! The humidity was something else too. There is almost no point to doing our hair or make up because we sweat it off in no time. This week is supposed to be full of rain and storms, so we can't find a happy medium here in The UK!  
A Dobby door knocker! I LOVE ENGLAND! 

      We tracked hundreds of doors this week. HUNDREDS. And no one wanted to know. A few people told us how much they respected what we did, but no one who wanted to have us back to teach their families. It was brutal to say the least. The "famine" in the land has been very real for the past couple weeks and we just haven't been able to break it. I am reminded of the scripture "patience in long-suffering" when I think of the lack of success that we have been seeing here in Coventry. I know that the miracle dam will break and we will be seeing more miracles than we could ever possibly imagine. The Lord is absolutely aware of our needs and I know He will provide a way! 
Saturday sports are LEGENDARY! 

The duo was back together for 24 hours.

      On Thursday we enjoyed district meeting and interviews with President Leppard. It was my last interview with him and it was wonderful. We talked about Coventry and how things are going with the ward and Sister Olsen and I was able to give him a happy report! I look forward to my departing interview with him in a few weeks time. In my interview, President said "I expect you, as the Lord expects of you, to be a strong woman." I know how important it is to be STRONG and firm in my testimony, but when he said this, it was a reminder to me of how important it is to just be strong. I loved that could call from him. While we were in district meeting, this thought came to my head: "We are 18-20 year old kids sitting in a chapel in England talking about people's salvation. Isn't that amazing?" Wow. How the Lord saw fit to send his youth into the world to preach His word, I will never know, but it is amazing. We are so trusted and have such a heavy responsibility to essentially 'save the world'! No pressure. I feel so privileged to be able to dedicate my life for 18 months to something that I love so much. I know this work is God's and that we are simply His hands! 
 The coolest Zambian RC ever! Arthur is amazing!
      We went on exchanges in Banbury with the STL's this week and it was wonderful to be reunited with Sister Cebollero yet again. I have been so richly blessed with such incredible companions! I have honestly learned so much from them all! 
The beautiful peach coloured sari from Sister Masih

Sister Olsen's sari and my traditional
suit & genie trousers (pants)..

 I haven't been dressed by someone in years!! Lol.
Sister Masih was so impressed at how
beautiful they looked on us white women! :

      On Saturday evening, we went to the Masih's for dinner. They have been members for over 30 years and are incredible cooks! We enjoyed a lovely traditional Indian meal and then. Sister Masih brought down her sari's from her closet so that we could try them on! This totally fulfilled one of my mission goals. Holla. We felt like we could've been in Bollywood! It was amazing! After we were done trying them on, Sister Masih wrapped them up and put them on our laps and said "I want you to have them." Tears filled my eyes. We felt so undeserving of these beautiful handmade clothes, but she insisted! We were so grateful! She also gave me an Indian suit to wear as well that fit me like a glove. She exclaimed that it's meant to be! :) I am so thankful for the hospitality of the members here. We are so blessed! The many different cultures that fill our lives every single day is amazing!! #blessed

Lunch with Guyon and Athena today!
Traditional Korean and Chinese food. Such awesome members! 
    On Sunday, I was pretty much holding out for a miracle, due to the lack of success during the week. Little did we know, the Lord had a plan in store! Kristina came to church and loved it! Maria came to Spanish sacrament and loved it! And midway through gospel principles class, we were pulled out and told that a family was here to see us. IT WAS THE FOLEMI FAMILY!!! Joy & Akanole came with their 4 beautiful children all dressed in their Sunday best! What a beautiful sight to see. They were an hour and a half late because they couldn't find the chapel, so they went back to their house and called a taxi to follow it to the church. Joy said they weren't about to give up because she promised the Lord that "I be in your church tomorrow God. With all my family, I will be there! I promise!" Ahhh. AMAZING! They loved the classes that they were able to attend and we're so thankful to us for introducing them to the church. Wow. We absolutely cannot wait to see them this week! Please pray for this family!!

      As I am nearly through with my 18 month journey here in the UK, I wanted to inform you about my homecoming. It will be on June 25th @ 1pm at the Rigby Idaho South Stake Center. The address is: 106 North 3800 East 83442. We will be staying for all 3 hours and then having a gathering at my home later that day. For more info, please talk to my momma.
 BUTTS! Not even Butts Road...just butts. Lol.

More Butts. 😂

      Thank you all so much for the support and prayers that you have given me over the course of my mission. I am so grateful for you! I hope you have a wonderful week and are encouraged by the blessings that the Lord gives you. Ask yourself this question: Do you have the courage to leap? If the Lord prompts you to do something/change something, will you do it? Take the leap of faith and do what He asks of you. I promise that His plan is far better than yours! 

             All my love,

                       Sister Sydney Jones
Just a screen shot of a video we were asked to make about
why we came on our missions (: 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Look Up and Drink It!

I can't believe I've never taken a picture with a famous black taxi!
These were invented in Coventry BTW.. I wasn't intentionally wearing all black
 to blend in with the cab, but it happened. I totally look like a nun huh? Yikes.
Lol. You know you're in England when they have
to post a sign about not putting tea bags down the toilet. Hahaha!
Dear Fam,

      The rain did not stop this week...welcome to England! We did our best to keep our spirits high and continued to find even when we were soaked to the bone! It's definitely not the easiest thing to keep smiling when you've been tracting in the rain for hours, but I am reminded of Elder Choi's talk at General Conference about looking up and drinking it! You can't change the weather, but you can change your attitude! :) 
 Thursday. It poured all day long.
Hence the hot coco @ Starbucks! #whitegirls
 Just the cutest blonde you've ever seen. 💁

Selfie under the brolly. ☔
Bishops fancy Land Rover! So fun!
     We had my last Zone Conference on Friday. The spirit was in great abundance and the training that we received were exactly what Sister Olsen and I needed. The STL's gave one about not using filler words when we introduce ourselves and when we teach. "Hi! So sorry to disturb you. We're just missionaries for our church and we are sharing a message about Jesus Christ today? Do you maybe have time to listen to our message?" Yikes!#1- never apologise for sharing the gospel with ANYONE!  #2- we are not just missionaries, we are the LORD'S  missionaries! Take pride in that!  #3- We don't want them to get back to us another time when they might be more interested; the elect are ready NOW! 

This training was SO needed! Their other training was about having urgency but not anxiety. They explained how we can be anxiously engaged in a good cause, without having anxiety about it. It was really helpful! 
Grass, rain, and a horsie!

My last Zone Conference.
What a wonderful meeting it was! #IloveCov
      It was then time for the departing testimonies. Elder Lawson (going home in the same group as me) went first and I was the final one. You always imagine when it will be your time to stand up and do it, but never really think it will be your time. What a tender moment that was for me. My heart swelled with incredible gratitude for the opportunity that I have had to serve here in the EBM and for the relationship that I have gained with my Saviour. I relayed how humbling it has all been for me. As I was able to give my "dying knowledge" to the zone, I could only testify through my tears that if we love our Saviour, we will be obedient and we will work hard! No excuses, just give every ounce of everything that you have to Him. It was incredibly surreal to stand there and reflect on the fastest 17 & 1/2 months of my life. I don't know where the time has gone, but I sure am grateful for the memories that I have been able to create whilst in the Lord's service. The people that I have met have surely changed the very core of who I am. I am forever changed by my mission and am so thankful that I accepted the call to serve! 
The beautiful Gosia on her special day!!
I love this girl so much!! 

Coventry's best! 

      The Elders had a beautiful baptism on Saturday of the one and only Gosia Nowak from Poland! I have been here during her whole conversion process and it had been an absolute joy to see the changes that have come in her countenance. She was so excited and glowed after her special day. She is such a tender spirit who has been SO prepared by the hand of the Lord. We look forward to many good things from her in the next few years! Such a great example to me!! 
I always feel like a giant when we go to Bishop's house for dinner..
It's dated back to the 1500's! No wonder everything is small in there!! 

 The Masih's and the Siduh's.
Just the most wonderful Indian families ever!
        We went tracting after the baptism on Saturday and it seemed to be a total fluke. It was raining and cold and nobody wanted to know us (or Jesus). We sat on this pathetic excuse of a bench and just contemplated the time we had spent knocking these doors, simply wondering if it was where we were supposed to be. We bowed our heads in prayer and ask Heavenly Father where He needed us to go. We hopped on our bikes and followed the spirit! We came around a corner to see a woman on the pavement. Helen was her name and she proceeded to share her spiritual journey with us. She was born into a Pagan home (witchcraft and stuff), began going around to different churches, and is now a Baptist. Helen told us that she loves to learn about other religions and doesn't understand why the Bible had to stop. Woot! We testified about a living prophet and the Book of Mormon and she was thrilled! She was so calm and open about her spiritual journey and welcomed us to her home. What a blessing this was! The Lord sent us to that area as an act of obedience (seeing if we would follow Him), then he tested our patience by no one being interested, and finally He wanted to see if we would faulted or if we would finish by coming to Him for guidance through humble prayer. He did answer us and the miracle did come! We look forward to seeing her next week! 
Sue and Bernard took us for lunch at Las Iguanas

This is how a lot of the keys look in this country! Pretty cool! 
      As Sunday comes around, I always feel the need/desire for more strength! It's almost as though my cup is nearly empty and I need to be filled up! It is physical exhaustion, as I give my 110% during the week and I feel as though I am crawling to the Sacrament table in utter desperation for the strength that only the Saviour can provide. It is also spiritual exhaustion, in the sense that we teach all week long and I simply desire to sit in the three classes on Sunday and just be taught and strengthened by the words that people have prepared. It has been a beautiful observation for me and I am sincerely so grateful for the opportunity to be given the strength that I desire on the Lord's Holy day! "Sunday will come!" 

      I still have 3 solid weeks left and am excited to build this area up as much as we possibly can!! It is getting very real and there is absolute no time to waste! When Elder O'Hare asked what our #1 motivation was this week we looked at each other and simply said "SUNSHINE!" We look forward to seeing the sun a lot this week, as well as, many smiling faces who are ready to accept the gospel! Woot! The miracles are just around the corner! Have a nice week lovelies! 

      Love from GB,

               Sister Sydney Jones

**Also, we fulfilled one of my mission goals today and went golfing!! Woot! It was awesome!**
Squad pic @ War Memorial Park golf course!


District picnic.
More Golfing!
Tag Pic!

New jeans and shirt.
Lookin fit, huh momma?!